Dynatect’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Standards

Dynatect’s name comes from both “Dynamic” and “Protection”. The Dynamic aspect is that we are working with equipment and processes that are in motion. The Protection part is that we design our products to protect both the equipment, and the people around the equipment.

For over 70 years, Dynatect has built its reputation as a company you can depend on to provide engineered solutions for all applications.

Dynatect’s operations focus on S Q D C I, which stands for Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, and Inventory. We believe this is the correct priority for our customers and employees.

We are known to do business the right way and will continue with that tradition. We create long-term value for all those we connect to, our employees, customers, community, suppliers, and investors.

Company-Wide Statements

Dynatect’s Mission Statement

DYNATECT is a global leader in dynamic equipment protection.

Our mission is simple: To improve human-machine safety and machine uptime.

We bring reliable engineered solutions to complex and specialty applications.

We accomplish this through listening to our customers, applying innovation, and building with craftsmanship.

Quality Policy Statement

Dynatect’s vision is driven by our commitment to manufacture quality products and find innovative practical solutions valued by our customers. To meet this commitment to quality, Dynatect will remain steadfast to:

  1. Continuously improve our processes and products while satisfying all applicable requirements.
  2. Develop innovative engineered products & solutions that resolve and prevent problems from occurring.
  3. Foster an atmosphere for open communication which promotes pride and ownership in all employees.
  4. Promote partnerships – open and cooperative long-term relationships by treating customers and suppliers with honesty, dignity, fairness, and respect.
  5. Continuously improve innovative quality management systems that exceed the most recent version of ISO 9001 standard to assure improved customer satisfaction.

Dynatect works with a strong code of conduct and core values that reinforce our overall culture. We actively pursue manufacturing improvements through 5S, Kaizen, and lean manufacturing techniques to improve customer satisfaction and productivity. The objectives of our quality management system are a safe working environment for all employees while striving toward zero defects and timely delivery of products. This ties back to the underlying operation focus which is: Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, and Inventory (S Q D C I).

Environmental Policy

Dynatect is committed to improving the environment in which we operate. We establish objectives and targets to drive continual improvement in the environmental results of our operations. We prevent pollution and ensure regulatory compliance in our daily activities.

Promoting Repair

Dynatect’s products are designed for high repetition, high speed, and durable performance in harsh environments. Some motion/protective devices need to be repaired or replaced as a part of a Maintenance – Repair – Operations (MRO) process. Dynatect offers reliable repair of any brand ball screw, telescopic cover, and roll-up cover.

Dynatect also provides replacement of consumable goods like wipers and bellows, which extend the useful life of related equipment. Dynatect has the unique ability to provide replacement bus bellows for articulated buses of any vintage and any original manufacturer.  Dynatect has achieved this through extensive reverse engineering to provide compatible replacements and continues to add unique designs as needed/available.

Workforce Policies and Practices

Dynatect is a manufacturing company that has over 75 years of history. We provide a dynamic, clean and safe work environment with competitive benefits. In addition to this, Dynatect offers opportunities for those wanting career advancement and a long-term career. (We regularly celebrate many work anniversaries of 10+, 20+, 30+ and 40+ years – even 50!). We believe that individual recognition and personal growth is absolutely a part of what strengthens our overall team performance.

Opportunities for Recognition, Development and Growth with Dynatect

We provide meaningful work and career experience with many opportunities by recognizing employees that want and work toward developmental, promotional, and internal growth.

Recognition: Encourage individual recognition efforts through recognition programs, such as, Employee Appreciation Day, and Dynatect’ s Vitality Program that is intended to reward and recognize employees for making Dynatect a safer, healthier, and overall better place to work.  Dynatect also has a Positive Growth Action program to encourage peer-to-peer recognition across all departments.

Team Recognition: Dynatect supports team recognition through company-wide and team-level events, such as: holidays, annual family events, team potluck events, and charity fundraisers.

We support and encourage employee interest groups, which are led by employees to build stronger teams and continue our tradition of having a “second family” feel to our culture.

Development: Dynatect offers professional leadership and in-house training programs for both new and experienced supervisors.  Dynatect encourages personal development through formal education with a Tuition Reimbursement Program.

Promotion: Dynatect believes in the professional growth of its employees and offer opportunities for training, development and career advancement through internal transfers and promotions.

Health and Wellness Benefits

Comprehensive benefits can make employees feel rewarded and appreciated for their work and also provide support to an employee’s family, health, and financial future. We believe Dynatect has an opportunity to help employees meet their basic needs, and furthermore, benefits support better health for a stronger and more resilient team.

  • Health, Life, Supplemental and Disability Insurance
  • Health Savings and Flexible Savings Accounts
  • Vacation and sick paid time off
  • 401K and Company 401K contribution match
  • Employee Assistance and Wellness Programs
  • Discount programs – Electronics, health and fitness services, and more

Human Rights

Respect for Human Rights is fundamental to the way Dynatect manages our business.  We support the U.N. Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights which respects and honors the principles expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  As Dynatect continues to expand and grow in each new geography (each sovereign state), our standard processes include due diligence investigations about business practices including human rights.  While it is each sovereign state’s duty to protect against human rights abuses by establishing and upholding appropriate laws and policies, we recognize that some states do not have adequate legal and regulatory frameworks or enforcement mechanisms or have laws that conflict with internationally recognized human rights. Wherever this is the case, Dynatect is committed to doing the right thing by respecting human rights in every aspect of our business operations.

Health and Safety

Dynatect is committed to preventing injuries in the workplace through an aggressive safety effort. Our goal is to conduct our business in a manner that allows our employees to return home each day free from injury.

Each and every day we strive for: “Production Without Accident or Injury.”

We pledge to maintain a safe, clean workplace and an environment where we take no unnecessary chances with people. Dynatect’s objective, as part of its quality management system, is to provide a safe working environment for all employees. To this end, Dynatect is committed to safety in both policy and practice.

Here are some examples of how Dynatect accomplishes this objective:

  • Near-miss reporting: all work injuries and close calls must be reported immediately.
  • Drug-free work environment: Dynatect does not tolerate the presence of illegal drugs or the illegal use of legal drugs in our workplace as detailed in our employee handbook. We conform to the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1984.
  • Tobacco-free work environment.
  • Secured facilities, often including badge entry, and, enforcement of visitor policy which restricts access to Company facilities to only those who have a business purpose or who are authorized to contact our employees during working hours. (All visitors must be escorted by a host employee and sign in/out upon arrival and departure.)
  • Open-door communication practices encourage employees to report any safety or security issues
  • Required training programs specific to nature of employees’ work (e.g. forklift training, lock-out tag-out, etc.)
  • Dynatect Manufacturing, Inc. is committed to assisting its customers in their efforts to comply with REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) Regulations:
    • REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European Union Commission (EUC) Regulation on chemicals and their safe use. REACH establishes specific duties and obligations on a business in the European Union (EU) which manufactures or imports a substance or article that includes a “substance of very high concern” (SVHC) in concentrations of more than 0.1% w/w. A substance which is listed on the “Authorization List” published by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) (Annex XIV of the REACH regulations) cannot be manufactured or imported in the EU after a fixed date unless the ECHA authorizes the use of the substance for a specific use or uses.
    • Although not required to directly register any of its products with the ECHA, Dynatect Manufacturing, Inc. is committed to assisting its customers in their efforts to comply with REACH.  As of January 17, 2022 there are 223 substances on the SVHC list and 43 substances on the Authorization List.   Dynatect declares that the products we supply comply with the current conditions and restrictions of Annex XVII of the REACH regulations, and DO NOT contain substances on the REACH Candidate and Authorization list.
    • Dynatect further declares that the products we supply comply with the (10) RoHS Hazardous Substances list (including RoHS 1 2002/95/EC, RoHS 2 2011/65/EU, and RoHS 3 2015/863 Directives), and DO NOT contain over the substance thresholds.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy

An employee’s qualifications, skills, achievements, and the value that they bring to the company are the only factors upon which decisions are based concerning hiring, performance appraisals, promotions, and any other terms and conditions of employment protected by federal or state law.

The purpose of this policy is to re-emphasize our commitment to equal employment opportunity in conjunction with Executive Order 11246, as amended; Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended; and the respective implementing regulations.

Dynatect prohibits any employment practice that in any way discriminates or tends to discriminate against any person, employee, or applicant for employment with respect to compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because of an individual’s race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other criteria protected by federal or state law. Dynatect also prohibits any type of sexual, religious, national origin or other types of harassment, whether it is of a verbal or physical nature. Any conduct constituting such harassment will result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

In the implementation of these policies, Dynatect has developed an ongoing affirmative action plan that ensures that all employment and promotion decisions will be predicated upon the principle of equal employment opportunity. Specifically, all personnel decisions such as recruitment, hiring, working conditions, training, promotion, transfer, layoff and returns from layoff, compensation, benefits, and company-sponsored programs have been and will continue to be made on a nondiscriminatory basis, provided the individual is qualified to perform the work available.

Dynatect also voluntarily undertakes affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified persons with disabilities, disabled veterans, and protected veterans as defined under applicable law. Any employee or applicant for employment who is qualified under the applicable regulations will be considered under our Affirmative Action Program if they inform us, on a confidential basis, of their desire to be covered. Employees or applicants informing us of their desire to be covered or not informing us that they may be covered will not be adversely affected.

All management personnel are responsible for implementing the Company’s equal employment policies within each department. All employees are responsible for supporting the concept of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action and in assisting and cooperating in meeting our plan goals. The Director of Human Resources has been appointed the Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Official. 

Encouraging Personal Development Through Tuition Reimbursement

Dynatect encourages personal development through formal education so that employees can maintain and improve job-related skills or enhance their ability to compete for reasonably attainable jobs within the Company. The purpose of this program is to provide employees the opportunity for financial assistance in paying for their education. The details of this program are outlined in Dynatect’s Employee Handbook. Dynatect’s Tuition Reimbursement Program also covers GED, citizenship, and English as a Second Language courses.

Dynatect and Society

Culture & Community – Dynatect’s Local Impact

Dynatect and its employees are proud to make an impact on the local community. As an organization, Dynatect supports the community through food drives, blood drives, monetary donations, book and school supply drives, educational outreach programs.

Employees working on school supply drive community support project

Dynatect’s Back to School Backpack Drive was championed by 87 participants that filled 26 backpacks supporting the joint effort of the Salvation Army to provide needy students with school supplies.

Dynatect volunteers participated in a Habitat for Humanity home building and fund raising event.


Donation Committee

Dynatect recognizes that local non-profit organizations provide valuable community services to advance their mission and provide support to an underserved population. Employees can submit a donation request by providing an overview of the beneficiary organization and a description of the program (or event) which the donation will support.

Special Events & Fundraisers

Dynatect is comprised of thoughtful and caring team members that take the lead on diverse community initiatives. Dynatect gets involved in various ways: through active, hands-on involvement, supply collection, fund-raising, and fund-matching.

Organized by Dynatect’s summer interns, Dynatect’s U.S. completed a Coin Wars fundraising drive for each location’s Ronald McDonald House Charities. Teams in Wisconsin, Indiana, and California competed against each other to collect as many coins as possible, while sabotaging other teams with cash donations. Dynatect leaders were selected to make a crucial choice: To have a pie in their face or double down to match the total donation….As a thank you to everyone for participating, Dynatect’s CEO and other managers were chosen to receive a pie to the face! Dynatect’s CEO also chose to match the donations from all three locations, doubling the total amount raised!

Hot sauce, DVDs, cookies, coffee, hot cocoa, candy, puzzles… sound like everyday items right? Well for the Navy Sailors overseas in Italy, this is a huge treat! One of our employee’s daughter was serving in the division there and expressed that many of them would not receive anything from home during the Holiday season. So in the spirit of Christmas, Dynatect employees donated goodies, gifts, and cash, as well as a Thank You letter from Dynatect, to create Christmas Care packages for those serving away from their families in the military. Thanks to team efforts, 30 packed stockings were sent to 30 Navy Heroes in Italy. The shipping was covered by the donation from the Dynatect Community Involvement Committee. Additional monetary donations went toward purchasing the stockings and gloves for veterans in Milwaukee.

Internship Program

Dynatect hires about 10 paid interns a year, on average. Departments include HR, Safety, Quality, Engineering, Customer Service, and Marketing. Dynatect assigns resume-worthy projects with strong management engagement, including an opportunity to present their work at the end of their internship.

Community Needs and Protective Solutions

Dynatect’s American manufacturing roots reach to the early 1940s when our founder started making basketballs and footballs. This was in response to a shortage of these recreational items for local youth while traditional manufacturers had been redeployed to wartime production. After the war, those same sewing of specialty fabrics were redeployed to industrial bellows for machine protection. One product at a time Dynatect kept responding to inquiries with “yes we can” now providing over 90 different types of products still made in the USA. Seventy-five years after our founding, in response to COVID, Dynatect again rose to the challenge of making products Americans are short of in a crisis. Dynatect pivoted our resources, expanding our definition of protection devices to include cloth face masks and plexiglass shields. Dynatect’s FaithShield was developed in response to places of worship that desire to implement barriers to safely increase participation.

Business Conduct & Governance

Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action Policy

Code of Ethics

The fusion of high business performance with high integrity is the foundation of Dynatect operations. Dynatect is an ethical Company that depends on the integrity of our  business relationships with our employees, owners, customers, suppliers, our local communities, the government and all other stakeholders. Dynatect recognizes that its employees are its most valuable asset. Dynatect values each employee’s dignity and worth. It is Dynatect’s desire and intent that each employee be treated as an intelligent, adult human being, with fairness, dignity and respect.

The Company is committed to upholding these values and it is with this purpose that Dynatect created a Code of Ethical Conduct. This Code of Ethical Conduct elaborates on the fundamental values of integrity and other ethical standards that define how people who work at and transact business with Dynatect ought to act. We recognize that employees up and down the ranks of any business face temptations to cut corners or worse.

This Code is intended to be a helpful guide to the behavior we would like to see lived out on a day-to-day basis. To truly represent and cultivate an ethical environment, we want everyone to be able to recognize when an ethical issue exists, and then refer to the Code for guidance on how to make decisions, raise concerns, or voice complaints.

We expect these principles to be followed and upheld by all at our Company, including our board of directors, officers, managers, supervisors, sales personnel, and office and production employees. In fact, we hold our directors, officers, managers and supervisors to a higher standard and count on them to set the tone at Dynatect, to lead by example, to talk about and encourage ethical business practices. All employees will be required to read, understand and live by the Code of Ethics principles outlined in the formal policy. The consequence for any employee failing to live up to these ethical standards will be disciplinary action that may result in termination.

Open Communications

Our fundamental belief is that mutual trust and concern will promote open communication and an environment of freedom and security. Dynatect policies and practices emphasize open-door practices.

Dynatect is Anti-Intimidation, Anti-Bullying, Anti-Violence, and Anti-Harassment

It is Dynatect’s policy to adopt and enforce acceptable standards of personal behavior in the work place to ensure that all employees are able to carry out their work duties in an atmosphere that is free from intimidation, harassment, and bullying. The maintenance of such an environment and acceptable standards is a responsibility shared by each employee, supervisor, and the Company.

We at Dynatect are committed to providing a work environment free from any form of harassment. Dynatect prohibits any form of harassment, ridicule, or other abusive conduct directed at an employee because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, and any other characteristic protected by applicable local, state or federal law. Abusive remarks based on any protected characteristic are offensive, unprofessional, and totally prohibited. Anyone engaging in harassing behaviors will be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.

Dynatect’s policy applies to all employees at all times in the workplace, during Company events and while employees are representing the Company on outside business. This policy also applies to any unlawful harassment of employees that occurs off duty, including harassment perpetrated by electronic means. For purposes of this policy,  electronic means includes telephone, voicemail, text or picture message, email, instant message program, or any social media and/or networking platform. Harassment or retaliation that would not be permissible in the workplace is not permissible between co-workers online, even if it is done after hours, from home and on home computers.

There will be no retaliation against anyone who in good faith makes a report of a violation of this policy or who assists in the investigation of such a complaint. Any Dynatect employee who retaliates against another employee for making a complaint under this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Each alleged incident will be investigated promptly. The information provided will be shared on a “need-to-now” basis only. Failure to report violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. The subject of intimidation, harassment and bullying in the work place is an included subject in training of supervisors and managers and in new employee orientation.

The very nature of harassment makes it difficult to detect unless the problem is reported. Employees experiencing harassment, therefore, are required to report it  immediately. It is a mandatory requirement that all complaints be directed to the Human Resources Department, the employee’s supervisor, or any other member of management. Complaints will be promptly and thoroughly investigated documented.

Dynatect’s commitment to providing individuals with a work environment that is free of harassment includes prohibiting inappropriate conduct by and to vendors,  contractors, customers, and third parties. If an individual experiences or observes conduct that violates this policy the individual should promptly direct a complaint to his or her supervisor or other member of management. In addition, employees have the right to file a harassment complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the local Department of Workforce Development. Each state may have a different time limit to file a complaint.

Violence, Bullying, and other Inappropriate Behavior

Dynatect has an obligation to provide a safe environment in which to work and therefore prohibit weapons of any sort. Violence, bullying and threats of any kind, involving our employees, visitors, customers, or vendors in our workplace or outside while on Company business are taken as serious matters. Such conduct places the safety and health of people we care about in jeopardy, and WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Employees engaging in such activities will be subject to appropriate corrective action, up to and including termination.

Risk Management & Cyber Security

Dynatect uses Fortinet Suite to manage cyber risk including mobile devices, laptops, desktops, servers, email, and browsers. Dynatect requires two-factor authentication for off-premise data access.  Dynatect actively engages in continuous employee cyber-threat education and pro-actively alerts employees where there are logins in two locations, receipt of suspicious emails, etc.  Dynatect engages 3rd parties in threat readiness evaluations and penetration tests.  Dynatect also has documented disaster recovery plans.

How Can We Help?

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