Repair Service
Dynatect offers repair through its Michigan and Wisconsin facilities. All brands of telescopic covers and precision ball screws (even acme or lead screws) can be restored, tested, and quickly returned. Evaluations are thorough and free, and replacements are always quoted as an option.
Replacement & Rebuild Options
Dynatect also provides custom engineering for repair, reverse-engineered, or entirely-new precision ground ball screws and telescopic way covers representing the most options to balance price, up-time and performance. Using repair services will help companies reduce the impact of steel tariffs. There’s no surcharge for repaired telescopic way covers and precision ball screws. For facilities with a fleet of machine tools, Dynatect can provide a plant audit including change-out and refurbishment programs. Since Dynatect is also a leader ball screws, telescopic covers, way wipers, and bellows, this plant audit can pro-actively address many common machine-tool safety, service, and up-time needs. Any of these offerings can be augmented by a rotating inventory program to reduce outage duration by 70%.